Visitors From The Internet!

My name is Robert A. Boyd - "Bob" to friends - and I thank you for dropping in to check out my genre fiction writing.

As a self-published author, I know how hard it is for the unknown to penetrate the market and get their works out there. The rise of downloading and print-on-demand have revolutionised genre publishing, but there are still many stumbling blocks on the road. Hence The Written Wyrd, a non-profit literary trust supporting self-published and small press authorship.

Your support helps keep this web site, with its wealth of educational materials and technical support out there, as well as holding writer's seminars at conventions and other forms of literary activism. So please come in, take a look around, and check out my offerings.

I enjoy the challenge of exploring new genres, which is reflected in the breadth of my writing. Here you will find adventure, military drama, horror, fantasy, the macabre, and period SF (among others) as well as my notoriously over-the-top sense of humor. Whatever your reading taste, I believe I can satisfy your wants. So come on in and browse around. The natives are friendly (for the most part) and you are sure to find something to pique your interest.

What's New On This Site:

Building Your Web Site

Some Thoughts On The Genre:

Your female characters should NOT be "clinging, weak females" unless for comic effect.

And while I have you cornered, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my work and on Spec Fi in general.
The more feedback, the more it helps my effort:

To matters at hand. This Link will take you directly to my selection of titles so you can check them out.

The links below will take you to the rest of this web site where you can explore the wealth of information about the craft and lifestyle of genre fiction writing as well as my prized collection of esoterica and weirdness. So make yourself comfortable, explore, learn, and above all, enjoy.

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Contents of this site Copyright 2010 - 2023 The Written Wyrd except as noted. All rights reserved.